Tag: Trademark

Trademarks and 3D ISPs – Given Tiffany v. eBay is DMCA-style Safe Harbor Necessary?

Yesterday I was fortunate to speak about the complexities of trade dress laws at INTA’s 3D printing conference, and how unlikely it is that an average user could be expected to know whether they are violating them when they create and…

3D Trademarks are a Puzzle

This week I’m very excited to be speaking at INTA’s program on 3D Printing in New York. I’m tackling the issue of trademarks specifically (considerable pressure, considering it is an INTA event). And without giving my whole lecture away, I…

The Future in 3D: Guns, drugs and lawyers

I wrote an article surveying legal implications of 3D printing (from a Canadian perspective) for Lawyers Weekly with my colleague Ashlee Froese from Gilbert’s LLP. In the past three years, a feverish buzz has developed around 3D printing. The excitement…

Trade Secrets – 3D Printers can actually help PREVENT counterfeiting!

A story at Entrepreneur details how low-cost 3D printers are helping small businesses prototype their new products and become more competitive. But what’s really cool is this section which runs contrary to the popular view that 3D printers are nothing…

3D Printing Law: Trademarks – Why “FDM” isn’t for Everybody

In an earlier post, I explained why the expiry of patents related to Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), initially patented by S. Scott Crump of Stratasys Inc. has helped lead to the recent explosion of 3D printers using that technology. So…

International Differences in the Legal Treatment of 3D Printing – Design Protections

Last week, three lawyers from the Irish law firm Arthur Cox wrote a great piece on the intellectual property law implications of 3D printing – from an Irish law perspective. But what stood out for me when reading this article…

Zittrain: Solve 3D IP Issues with DRM-style Measures

Bloomberg BNA has a recap of Harvard internet law Professor Jonathan Zittrain talking about 3D printers, which he sees as the future. Zittrain thinks many of the copying/counterfeiting legal issues people are worried about with 3D printers could be avoided…

Game of Thrones vs. Settlers of Catan

Yesterday’s post about nuPROTO’s troubles for making a 3D printed iPhone Throne Dock got me thinking about proprietary designs and interfaces (and how to double down on this blog’s newly minted nerd-factor). A couple of years ago, there was some…

HBO Blocks ‘Game of Thrones’ 3D Printed Iron iPhone Throne

A centerpiece of the popular HBO series Game of Thrones is the Iron Throne, a seat of power that several families are battling over. As a side note, I had an awesomely happy-geek moment in Toronto when I got to…