Tag: R&D

(Paul’s) Post One, Part Two: Making Printers! And then Getting Sued! (3D Systems v. Formlabs)

This post is an adjunct to my inaugural post, in which I explained why the expiry of some of the original Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) patents is leading to a new wave of low-cost 3D…

Are Monsanto crops like 3D printed objects?

There’s a pretty interesting post at Policy Mic by Nate Abrams suggesting a similarity exists between the ongoing U.S. Supreme Court case of Bowman v. Monsanto and the 3D printing industry. In the Monsanto case the basic issue is whether…

(Paul’s) Post One, Part One: Patents and 3D Printing

(click here for part 2) Law in the Making is a mix of daily links, comments and stories, with regular posts that dig a little deeper. Here’s my first contribution to the latter endeavour – an attempt to start explaining…

3D Rx: The Future of Drug Manufacture and Delivery?

Jamie Goodman is a  guest blogger and is an associate at Gilbert’s LLP in Toronto, where he works alongside Law in the Making co-founder Paul Banwatt. Lee Cronin, a renowned professor of chemistry and nanoscience, recently gave a TED talk…

3D Printing in the President’s State of the Union Address!

If there was any question that 3D printing has officially arrived, it was answered in President Obama’s State of the Union Address which specifically called out the potential of the technology to restore manufacturing in America. From the President’s prepared…

Innovation and iRobot

Following on the last post about whether a lack of R&D will kill 3D printing, recently, iRobot filed a patent application for what is almost an ‘automatic espresso machine’ of 3D printing – a stab at a fully autonomous printer.…

Too Little Spending on R&D?

Yep, posting ahead of the site’s launch… what can I say, we’re super cutting edge. There’s a really interesting article by Ashlee Vance at Businessweek published yesterday questioning whether a lack of R&D and innovation will kill the 3D printing…