Tag: legislation

The Undetectable Firearms Act and 3D Printing

Huffington Post has an article today about the ongoing effort of U.S. Congressman Steve Israel to have the 1988 Undetectable Firearms Act renewed before its expiration at the end of the year. Israel’s efforts have found him at odds with…

International Differences in the Legal Treatment of 3D Printing – Design Protections

Last week, three lawyers from the Irish law firm Arthur Cox wrote a great piece on the intellectual property law implications of 3D printing – from an Irish law perspective. But what stood out for me when reading this article…

Venture Beat: Copyright Can’t Keep Up with 3D Printing

Venture Beat has an article by Ricardo Bilton making the (increasingly popular) point that copyright law can’t and won’t keep up with the spread and development of low cost 3D printing. The law, through courts or legislation, just doesn’t move…

3D Printed Guns Get Closer

Yahoo has a post from Philip Bump of the Atlantic Wire arguing that legal approaches to stop 3D printed guns from proliferating are unlikely to stop those like Defense Distributed who have pledged to make them a reality. Defense Distributed…