Tag: Introduction

3D Print a Healthier You: Episode I – Diagnostics & Demonstrations

There is another medical revolution in the making besides printing your own drugs. Surgical procedures stand to benefit early from all of the advances in 3D printing. From diagnostics to replacement “parts,” highly personalized small-scale manufacturing lends itself perfectly to…

(Paul’s) Post One, Part One: Patents and 3D Printing

(click here for part 2) Law in the Making is a mix of daily links, comments and stories, with regular posts that dig a little deeper. Here’s my first contribution to the latter endeavour – an attempt to start explaining…

The Undiscovered Country – An Introduction to 3D Printing

Paul mentioned that “there can’t be a widespread 3D printing revolution until it is dead simple to print.” Nick Bilton on his NYTimes blog yesterday writes that the arrival of that revolution is closer than we think. Moreover: “When it…