Category: Main

IP and the ‘Manufacturing Renaissance’

Thanks to my colleague Salim Dharssi at Gilbert’s LLP for pointing me to this article by Neil Wilkof at IP Finance. Tying nicely into yesterday’s post, Wilkof questions the assumption that effective IP protection in the context of 3D printing…

Venture Beat: Copyright Can’t Keep Up with 3D Printing

Venture Beat has an article by Ricardo Bilton making the (increasingly popular) point that copyright law can’t and won’t keep up with the spread and development of low cost 3D printing. The law, through courts or legislation, just doesn’t move…

3D Printed Guns Get Closer

Yahoo has a post from Philip Bump of the Atlantic Wire arguing that legal approaches to stop 3D printed guns from proliferating are unlikely to stop those like Defense Distributed who have pledged to make them a reality. Defense Distributed…

Zittrain: Solve 3D IP Issues with DRM-style Measures

Bloomberg BNA has a recap of Harvard internet law Professor Jonathan Zittrain talking about 3D printers, which he sees as the future. Zittrain thinks many of the copying/counterfeiting legal issues people are worried about with 3D printers could be avoided…

(Paul’s) Post One, Part Two: Making Printers! And then Getting Sued! (3D Systems v. Formlabs)

This post is an adjunct to my inaugural post, in which I explained why the expiry of some of the original Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) patents is leading to a new wave of low-cost 3D…

Patents and Innovation

There’s an interesting debate playing out at the New York Times about the role of patents in fast-moving innovative industries (like 3D printing…). Joe Nocera has an interview with famed U.S. Court of Appeals judge Richard Posner, in which Posner…

Are Monsanto crops like 3D printed objects?

There’s a pretty interesting post at Policy Mic by Nate Abrams suggesting a similarity exists between the ongoing U.S. Supreme Court case of Bowman v. Monsanto and the 3D printing industry. In the Monsanto case the basic issue is whether…

(Paul’s) Post One, Part One: Patents and 3D Printing

(click here for part 2) Law in the Making is a mix of daily links, comments and stories, with regular posts that dig a little deeper. Here’s my first contribution to the latter endeavour – an attempt to start explaining…

3D Rx: The Future of Drug Manufacture and Delivery?

Jamie Goodman is a  guest blogger and is an associate at Gilbert’s LLP in Toronto, where he works alongside Law in the Making co-founder Paul Banwatt. Lee Cronin, a renowned professor of chemistry and nanoscience, recently gave a TED talk…

The Undiscovered Country – An Introduction to 3D Printing

Paul mentioned that “there can’t be a widespread 3D printing revolution until it is dead simple to print.” Nick Bilton on his NYTimes blog yesterday writes that the arrival of that revolution is closer than we think. Moreover: “When it…